Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Lama Drimed Lodro lead special Chenrezig with Eclipse practices on March 18th

Lama Drimed Lodro will lead a special Chenrezig practice on Sundayevening, March 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Orgyen Dore Den. Thispractice will coincide with an eclipse, when the benefit to beings isparticularly powerful, and will include special eclipse practices from a
cycle of Chenrezig practice revealed by the Terton Dorje Dechen Lingpa
for use on such occasions.Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche has requested that his students and otherinterested practitioners take to heart this profound practice of greatcompassion, which held a special place in the spiritual traditions of Domang, their home monastery in Tibet, and was transmitted to studentsat Orgye Dorje Den by the Venerable Yangtang Tulku Rinpoche.

Date & Time: Sunday March 18th, 2007; 6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Location: Orgyen Dorje Den
Cost: small donation requested, no one is turned away for lack of fund.

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