Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Monthly Life-Release

Monthly Life-Release
at the Berkeley Marina
“According to the Sutra, life-release is regarded as a practice of the Six Paramitas. It is also considered the highest form of the act of generosity. The merit resulted from this selfless act is compounded by saving lives of those beings who are soon to be killed, thereby creating vast amount of merit that invokes longevity, health, good fortune, and removing obstacles of self and others. Most importantly, life-release is a sublime method of cultivating both aspirational and practical bodhicitta.”
~ by Lama Drimed
The monthly life-release is one of the main Dharmic activities at Shensem Tsogpa Tibetan Culture Center (STTCC) led by the Venerable Lama Drimed. Lama Drimed has unwavering determination to carry out life-release as a regular practice, in honoring and continuing H.H. Jigme Phuntsog Rinpoche’s sacred mission, as well as at the earnest request of the Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche.
Saturday, March 3, 2007, is Buddha's Mother day, it is 12 Acts of Shakyamuni Buddha. Merit will increase.
Location: Berkeley Marina
Time: 3/3/2007 at 10:00am
Direction: Take Highway 80 towards Berkeley, exit University Avenue and go towards the Marina. You will see a big old tree where we get together before the long walk pier wood cock.
Contribution: Please send your check to “STTCC, P.O. Box 45, Pinole, CA 94564” Make your check payable to : STTCC
Other information: For the number of lives released and other Dharmic events related to STTCC, please visit sttcc.blogspot.com

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